Member-only story
Family Practice — The Cornerstone of My Team
Introducing Dr. Laura Zucker
Living with a progressive neurodegenerative disorder is seriously annoying at best. I’m blessed to have a pathologically optimistic disposition and the drive to manage manageable stress. When my stress is up, my symptoms are worse — a direct correlation. Challenges with my health team would put me off my feed and send my stress levels through the roof. Welcome to the third episode in the series with and about my fantastic health team: my chiropractor, physical therapist, and now, Dr. Laura Zucker, my primary care physician. Dr. Zucker keeps the wheels on the bus. She co-leads my team and routes me to specialists that fit me. She goes to bat for me when there’s a hiccup in the system. I’ve been to an office visit from two to six times a year for more than ten years — maybe only 40 times. We often communicate by text message on the patient portal, sharing reports from other doctors, reviewing symptoms, meds, tests, whatever. That can be not at all between visits or ten times, depending on life and fates. She responds within a day — almost always. If she’s sick or away, a colleague responds — fabulous care and service. I’m fortunate, and I work at keeping a good relationship with Dr. Zucker and her office. If I feel like crap, I don’t need to work at it. The goodwill’s in the bank.